Article & Books



Iechika, S. & Ishikuma,T. (2022) Development of “School as a Team Scales” for System Level Consultation in Schools.Annual report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists,14,42-56

Katori, S. & Ishikuma,T. (2021) Revision of the scale of the impacts of bullying for adolescents and adults and the impacts of bullying from various perspectives.Journal of Japanese clinical psychology,39 (5), 419-430.

Iechika, S. & Ishikuma,T. (2021) Influence of functions of a coordination committee on teachers’ psycholo-educational support. Journal of School Psychology,20, 1-19.

石隈利紀 2021カウフマン先生と私~賢いアセスメントからの学び K-ABCアセスメント研究23, 1-15.

Honda, M., Arai, K.,Ishikuma, T. (2020) Effects of the Behavioral Intervention for Functional Help-Seeking: Focused on Help-Seeking Skills.Bulletin of School Clinical Psychology, Hokkaido University of Education ,17,11-21.

Ikeda, G., Ishikuma, T. (2020) Effect of touch communication on the relationship between an adult with autism and school-age children with typical.Bulletin of Clinical Psychology, Tokyo Seitoku University, 20,67-75.

Ishikuma, T. (2019) The “team-school” reinforces mental health at school. From the point of view of school        psychology. Journal of School Mental Health.

Ishikuma, T. (2019) The outline and issues of Certified Public Psychologist. Japanese journal of clinical psychiatry,48, 549-556.

Fujii, S., Ishikuma, T., Hamaguchi, Y. (2018) Construction of a Model on School Health Teachers’ (SHT) Psychological Growth: Mother and School Phobic Children Attendance to STH Offices: Generation of a Hypothetical Model Using the Modified Grounded Theory Approach.  Japanese Journal of Counseling Science. 51(1),14-26.

Ishikuma, T. (2018) Prospection of school education and school psychology and school psychologist in Japan. Annual Report of Japanese School Psychologist, 10,4-16.

Matsuura, S., Ishikuma, T. (2018) Literature review on emergent support in school crisis/how to conduct emergent support in disaster crisis at school.  Journal of St. Marianna Medical Institute, 18.

Matsuura, S., Ishikuma, T. (2017)  Literature review on emergent support conducted in school crisis/Importance of emergent support and psycho education as preventive development for school crisis in disaster situation. Department Bulletin Paper at Musashino University, 17,13-28.

Ishikuma, T. (2017) Psycho educational services with “Team-School”/Feature of Certified Public Psychologist and school psychologist.  Annual Report of Japanese School Psychologist, 9,5-20.

Nishiyama, H., Koizumi, R., Ishikuma, T., Ono, S. (2017) Initial support in Kumamoto Earthquake with cooperation between local psychologist/What we learn from East Japan Great Earthquake. Annual Report of Japanese School Psychologist,9,107-114.

Kodama, H., Ishikuma, T., Toyama, M. (2017) Relationship and difference of Cognition/Emotion/Behavior between middle school student and high school student Departmental bulletin paper at Tsukuba University, 53, 33-43.

Kumagami, F., Ishikuma, T. (2016) Effects of Consultation Regarding “Children with Special Support Needs” on Team Support and Activities of Nursery Teachers Japanese Journal of Community Psychology,20(1),28-44.

shikuma, T., Matsuda, O, Fujita, K., & Ueno, K. (2016) Intellectual assessment of children and youth in Japan: Past, present, and future. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology,4(4), 241-246. (DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2016.1163711.

Nishiyama, H., Ishikuma, T., Ono, S., Pfohl, W. (2016) Enhancement of expertise to develop crisis management in Europe/ESPCT training program for school psychologists. Annual Report of Japanese School Psychologist, 8, 123-131.

Ishikuma, T. (2015) Helping needs and understanding of people with developmental disabilities/helping needs at school. Society of Mind, Japan Society of Mental Health, 160, 50-56.

Ishikuma, T. (2015) 「Team support to encourage student’s and School’s ability/Coordination between school and school nurse. Chiba Research Project of high school education. 42, 31-39.

Ishikuma, T. (2015) How to captive the help call from students. Development of comprehensive. Hyogo Educational Research, 772, 4-7.

Kodama, H., Ishikuma, T. (2015) Middle school and High school students’ attitude toward learning. Scale development. Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 63(3), 199-216.

Honda, M., Arai, K., Ishikuma, T. (2015) Construction of the Process Model from Help-Seeking Behaviors to Adjustment Feelings Japanese Journal of Counseling Science,48,65-74.

Yamaguchi, H., Mizuno, H., Honda, M., Ishikuma, T. (2015) The System for the Use of Psychologist in School Communities: Development of the Use of Psychologists Scale School Executives and Middle Leaders Form. Japanese Journal of Community Psychology, 19(1), 77-93.

Iida, J., Ishikuma. T., Sano, I., Hayashi, K., Niizu, K., Kai, Y., Matsumoto, S., Imai, J., Fujiwara, K. (2015) Cultivate Global citizenship in practices of “Young American’s Workshop”. Changes seen in students at Tsukuba laboratory schools. Research bulletin for school education, 37, 1-9.

Fujiwara, T. Iida, J., Kai, Y., Matsumoto, S., Kusakabe, K., Suzuki, R., Ishikuma T. (2015) Improvement as being global citizenship for high-school students after the international study tour.  Research bulletin for school education, 37, 19-28.

Nishiyama, H., Ishikuma, T., Iechika, S., Koizumi, R. (2015) Effort to enhance children’s and school’s resilience which went through Great East Japan Earthquake. Annual Report of Japanese School Psychologist, 7, 159-167.

Taguma, M., Miur, H., Hayo, M. (2014) Creating a common model for prevention and recovery from school crisis. Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan, 53, 192-196.

Fujii, S., Ishikuma, T. (2014) Process of homeroom teachers’ psychological growth resulting from the attendance of elementary school health teacher’s office by children accompanied by their mothers.Bulletin of counseling and school psychology, 51, 51-60.

Kodama, H., Ishikukma, T. (2014) How to support adaptation for students with mild intellectual disabilities: Utilize the assessment and team-support through school transition from elementary school to middle school. Bulletin of counseling and school psychology, 51, 13-23.

Ichikawa, S., Shirohada, K., Ishikuma, T. (2014) A study of Karaoke to relieve from stress. Bulletin of counseling and school psychology, 51, 1-11.

Nishiyama,H.,Azuma,N.,Takino,Y. Pfohl, B., Ono,S. & Ishikuma, T.. (2014). Two years after the Great East Japan Earthquakes: Japanese school psychologists’ support growth and recovery activities for children and schools. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 6, 115-128.

Fujii,S., Hamaguchi,Y. & Ishikuma, T. (2014) Survey of school health office attendance  by children accompanied by their mothers- through observations of elementary  school health teachers. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 6, 93-102.

Taruki, Y., Araragi, C., & Ishikuma, T. (2013). Cooperation among the same grade teachers supporting student independence in activities. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 5, 65-75.

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2013). How does a mother in a student support team change from being mother with much requirement for school to being a partner in helping her child?: qualitative research on a mother’s interview. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 5, 101-113.

Ishikuma, T., Ono,S.,Nishiyama,H., & Tomaru, K. (2013). What school psychologists can do to be prepared for any crisis in life of our children. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 5, 151-167.

Honda, M., Arai, K., & Ishikuma, T. (2011). Development of the self-seeking skills scale. Japanese Journal of School Psychology. 

Iechika, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2011). A review of the psycho-educational services coordination. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology. 

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2011).The psychological process of a mother’s attitude change. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology.

Suzuki, T., & Ishikuma, T.  (2011). Development of a Diary use focusing on positive aspects and its effect on students’ self-affirmation.  Research Bulletin for School Education. 

Iechika, S., Ishikuma, T., Okamura, M., Tange, M., Yokota, T., & Yoshimoto, K. (2010).  How teacher participation in the coordination committee changes teacher attitudes toward the psycho-educational services in schools. Annual Report

 of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 2, 65-72.

Iida, J., Ishikuma, T., & Yamaguchi, T. (2010).  School-life skills scale:  development of a high school student form. Japanese Journal of School Psychology,  9, 25-35.

Ishikuma, T. (2010) Special support education in high schools: from a perspective of school psychology. Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities, 19(3), 198-204.

Ishikuma, T., Onose, M., Ono, S., Matsumura, S., & Hashimoto, S. (2010) How to train  school psychologists in Japan: a process and meaning of a new standard of school psychology course work in graduate schools. Annual Report of Japanese Association  of School Psychologists, 2, 5-18.

Taruki, Y., Ishikuma, T., & Araragi, C. (2010). Suggestions for primary support  service model on teacher intervention through school events. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 2, 85-93.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2010). Review of teachers’ parents interview. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University, 3,127-140.

Yamaguchi, T., Iechika, S., Taruki, Y., & Ishikuma, T. (2010) What are the factors enhancing team support in junior high schools? Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 47, 33-41.

Yamaguchi, T., Iechika, S., Taruki, Y., & Ishikuma, T., & Yamamoto, M. (2010). The function of junior high school management committee: in particular reference to  school characteristics. Atomi University Human Science Bulletin, 45, 91-112.

Yamaguchi, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2010). A study of management committee in junior high schools: compiling a standard for management committee’s functions.  Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 2, 73-83.

Honda, M., Ishikuma, T., & Arai, K. (2009). The influences of perceived problems  and help-seeking behavior on adjustment to interpersonal relationships in junior high school students. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 42,176-184.

Ishikawa, M., Tanaka, T., Kumagai, K., Kanno, K., Hatsugai, K., Takeuchi, Y., Hirata,  Y., Shinohara, Y., & Ishikuma, T. (2009). The effect of a psychology class Focusing on enhancing “life skills”. Research Bulletin for School Education,

31, 5-11.

Mizuno, H., Yamaguchi, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2009). An examination of the contact hypothesis of help-seeking preferences toward school counselors: a questionnaire study of junior high school students. Japanese Journal of Community Psychology,12,170-180.

Taruki, Y., Ishikuma, T., & Araragi, C. (2009). Junior high students’ acquisition  of class identity and formation of affirmative self-evaluation through class drama activities in cultural festival.  Annual Report of Japanese Association of School  Psychologists, 1, 119-128.

 Yamaguchi, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2009). School management committee in junior high school: aspect for decision-making process and functions. Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists, 1, 69-78.

Honda, M., Arai, K., & Ishikuma, T. (2008).  The Relationship between Perceived Problems, Received Support after Help-Seeking, match between expected and received  support, evaluations of help and school adjustment in junior high school students.  Tsukuba Psychological Research, 36, 57-65.

Honda, M. & Ishikuma, T. (2008). Development of evaluations of help scale for junior high school students. Japanese Journal of School Psychology, 8, 29-39.

Iida, J., Yamaguchi, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). School-life skills scale: comparison among school levels. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 45, 46, 49-58.

Iechika, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). Teacher’s concern about the student’s problems  in the school. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 45, 46, 59-64.

Kihara, M., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). Multi-cultural consultation in schools: perceiving  consultant role as another “culture” Research Bulletin for School Education,  30, 37-44.

Seto, M., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). Coordinating team support for junior high school  students: effectiveness of student support teams. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 45, 46, 25-33.

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). Influence factors of help-seeking preferences  among junior high school teachers in Japan. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science,  41, 224-234.

Taruki, Y., Araragi, C., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). The helpful intervention of the teacher to the junior high school students’ posture which hold out oneself at the difficult scene of the classroom drama activities in the cultural festival. Japan

Journal of Educational Technology, 32, 177-180.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). The process of building collaboration between parents and teachers in parent-teacher conferences: analysis of speech by parents  based on the grounded theory approach. Japanese Journal of School Psychology,  8, 59-73.

Yuasa, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2008). The effects of teaching short essay writing on high school students and college applicants’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward  their career decision by helping students to think about themselves and their surroundings. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 45, 46, 41-47.

Iechika, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2007). Consultation and mutual consultation in a coordination committee for psychological and educational services in a junior high  school. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 55, 82-92.

Shimoyama, K., Tanaka, T., Kumagai, K., & Ishikuma, T. (2007). An attempt to develop  a psychology class focusing on enhancing “life skills”. Research Bulletin for  School Education, 29, 83-87.

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2007). How does a mother in a student support team change from being a client to being a partner in helping her child?: qualitative research on a mother’s notes. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 55,438-450.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2007). Teachers’ process of building rapport in parent-teacher conferences: analysis of teachers’ speech based on a grounded  theory approach. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 55, 56-572.

Yamaguchi, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2007). What are the functions of school management?  committee in junior high schools. Research Bulletin for School Education, 29,51-62.

Abe, S., Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T. (2006). The relationship between verbal  help-seeking skills and seeking-help preference.  Osaka Kyoiku University Bulletin-Section V, 54(2), 141-150.

Iechika, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2006). School Counseling program using every day-situation in a private high school. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology.

Iida, J., & Ishikuma, T. (2006). School-life skills and school stress of junior high school students. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 39,132-142.

Ishikuma, T., & Iida, J. (2006) A study of student support teams and coordination  committees for psychological and educational services: focusing on the factors influencing the student support teams. Research Bulletin for School Education,  28, 29-44.

Mizuno, H., Ishikuma, T., & Tamura, S. (2006). Help-seeking preferences of junior  high school students in Japan. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 39, 17-27.

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2006) Help-seeking preferences of junior high school teachers in Japan: reliability and validity of the state-trait help-seeking preferences measure. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 54, 75-89.

Taruki, Y., & Ishikuma, T. (2006).  Junior high school students’ group experiences in classroom preparation of dramas for school festivals: group development,  divisional cooperation and teachers’ helpful intervention. The Japanese Journal 

 of Educational Psychology, 54, 101-111.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2006). Analysis of teachers’ speech during parent-teacher conference based on a grounded theory approach. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu-University,117, 207-218.

Honda, M., Ishikuma, T., & Arai, K. (2005). Development of belief scale for  interpersonal relationship among junior high school students. Bulletin of  Counseling and School Psychology, 43, 11-17.

Sagara, N., & Ishikuma, T. (2005).  Establishing a school counseling system  including psycho-educational services: case study of practice at a junior high school. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 53, 579-590.

Taruki, Y., & Ishikuma, T. (2005). A qualitative examination of junior high school students’ group experiences and classroom teacher’s intervention in the classroom drama activities for the school festival: focusing on group development  and cooperation. Japanese Journal of School Psychology, 5, 37-48.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2005).  Analysis of teachers’ speech during  parent-teacher conference based on a categorization of role-play records. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu-University, 115,189-197.

Yamaguchi, T., Iida, J., & Ishikuma, T. (2005).  School-life skills scale: development of an elementary school student form. Japanese Journal of School  Psychology, 5, 49-58.

Ishikawa, M., Ishikuma, T., & Hamaguchi, Y. 2004 Impact of other-esteem and self-esteem on self-expression. Tsukuba Psychological Research, 29, 89-97.

Ishikuma, T. (2004). Research and practices in school psychology in Japan: moving  toward to a system of psycho-educational services. Japanese Psychological Review,47,332-347.

Ishikuma, T. (2004) Student support team for children in needs. The Japanese Journal  of K-ABC Assessment, 5, 79-93.

Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T. (2004).  An overview of studies on social support for  children: some implications for research and practice in school psychology in  Japan. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 37,280-290.

Yamaguchi, T., Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T. 2004 Relationship between worry and help-seeking preference among junior high school students. Japanese Journal of  Counseling Science, 37,241-249.

Iechika, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2003). A coordination committee for psychological and  educational services in a junior high school. The Japanese Journal of Educational  Psychology, 51,230-238.

Ishikuma, T. (2003). Where are we now and what we should do in the fields of school psychology and school counseling?: toward school educational services to meet each  child’s psychological and educational needs. Bulletin for Psychological Center  of Meiji-Gakuin University, 1, 15-28.

Ishikuma, T. (2003). Policy and direction of development of counseling profession in Japan. Konvensi National Bimbingan Dan Kouseling (Proceeding of National Convention on Guidance and Counseling), 18-22.

Seto, M., & Ishikuma, T. (2003). Coordinating team support for junior high school students: ability and power factors. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 51,378-389.

Tamura, S. & Ishikuma, T.  (2003). Forming a core team (teacher, school counselor, and parent) to support a student: parents as supporters. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 51,328-338.

Iida, J., & Ishikuma, T. (2002).  School-life skills scale: development of a junior high school student form. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 50,  225-236.

Iida, J., & Ishikuma, T. (2002).  The relationship between school-life skills and participation level at school among junior high school students: focusing on self-efficacy and academic performance. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 40, 13-23.

Ishikuma, T., & Kamimura, E. (2002) Review of parents participation in the IEP  process in the United States. Tsukuba Psychological Research, 24, 221-230.

Seto, M., & Ishikuma, T. (2002). Coordinating team support for high school students:  ability and power factors.  The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 50, 204-214.

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2002). Self-esteem and help seeking preferences: junior high school teachers in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 50,291-300.

Iida, J., & Ishikuma, T. (2001). Class-based skill training in a junior high school: the effect of self-efficacy on students’ skill learning. Tsukuba Psychological   Research, 23,179-185.

Imada, R., Goto, M., Yoshikawa, R., & Ishikuma, T. (2001). The Cooperation and    professional role-taking for student support: A case study of school counseling  based on school psychology. Studies of Educational Process, University of 

Shinshu, 2, 1-12.

Ishikuma, T. (2001). Study of team support for non-attendant students and students  with LD. Bulletin of Yasuda Life Insurance Company, 36, 18-28.

Ishikuma, T., & Kamimura, E. (2001). Parents of children with disabilities: A review  of recent studies. Tsukuba Psychological Research, 23,187-199.

Kageyama, Y., & Ishikuma, T. (2001). Social Support for victims of domestic violence. Japanese Journal of Community Psychology, 4,119-131.

Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T.  (2001). Sociological and psychological factors relating  to preferences among help-providers of Asian international students in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 49,137-145.

Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T. (2001) The relationship between social support and adjustment of Asian international students in Japan. Japanese Journal of Community  Psychology, 4, 132-143.

Tamura, S., & Ishikuma, T. (2001). Help-seeking preferences and burnout: junior  high school teachers in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology49,438-448.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2001). Perception of teachers’ support by fathers of children with learning disabilities. Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities,  10(1), 59-69.

Kamimura, E., Ishikuma, T., & Nagamatsu, Y. (2001). Study of developing individualized educational plans in special schools. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology39, 11-17.

Yamaguchi, T., & Ishikuma, T. (2001). Study of preventive psycho-educational service from the perspective of school psychology.   Bulletin of Counseling and  School Psychology, 39, 1-9.

Ishikuma, T., Miyamoto, T., & Ono, R. (2000). The relation of practices of school  counseling services to support needs to school counselors among nursing teachers. Bulletin of Counseling and School Psychology, 38, 49-60.

Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T.  (2000). Relation of sociological and psychological  factors to preferences among professional helpers by Asian international students in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 48,165-173.

Kamimura, E., & Ishikuma, T. (2000). Perception of teachers’ support by mothers of children with learning disabilities. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 48, 284-293.

Ishikuma, T., Nagamatsu, Y., & Imada, R. (1999). Special Education Services Based  on School Psychology in the U.S.A.: Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Support Systems. The Japanese Journal of Special Education, 37 (2), 81-91.

Mizuno, H, & Ishikuma, T. (1999).  Help-seeking preferences and help-seeking  behaviors: An overview of studies. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 47, 530-539.

Okada, Y., & Ishikuma, T. (1999). The relationship between nurses’ automatic thoughts and burnout. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 32,115-123.

Mizuno, H., & Ishikuma, T. (1998).  Study of impact of Asian students’ help-seeking preference on their adjustment. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 31, 1-9.

Ishikuma, T. (1997). School psychology as system to support school counseling services : New perspective on school education for every child.  The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan, 36, 40-44.

Ishikuma, T. (1996). What is school counseling based on school psychology?  Japanese  Journal of Counseling Science, 29, 226-239.

Ishikuma, T. (1996) An overview of school psychology and its current implication.

The Japanese Journal of Applied Educational Psychology, 12, 1-7. Ishikuma, T. (1996).  What are the factors affecting school counselors’ role and

 function. Bulletin of Tsukuba Psychological Clinic, 11, 1-3.

Ishikuma, T. (1996). School counselors today and future: case study from the perspective of school psychology. Mental Health Bulletin, 11, 36-48.

Ishikuma, T. (1995).  Review of psychological testing for children with developmental disabilities: Using K-ABC and WISC-III. Japanese Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 16,244-248.

Ishikuma, T. (1994).  Psycho educational services based on IEP: Improving teachers’ skills and schools’ support system. Kanagawa Prefecture Education  Center Bulletin (Support), 1, 47-51.

Ishikuma, T. (1994). School psychologists and school psychology: toward a new approach  to education. The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan, 33, 144-154.

Ishikuma, T., Onose, M., & Fukuzawa, S. (1994). A psychological study of the fairy tale, “Three little pigs” (3): A story preferred by fathers and mothers of infants.  Tsukuba Psychological Research, 16, 51-61.

Kaufman, A.S., Kaufman, N.L., & Ishikuma, T. (1994). Psycho-educational assessment for children with LD and K-ABC. Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities, 3, 13-21.

Kaufman, A.S., Ishikuma, T.,& Kaufman, N.L. (1994).  A Horn analysis of the factors measured by the WAIS-R, Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT), and two new brief cognitive measures for normal adolescents and adults. Assessment, 1, 353-366.

Mori, N., Hasegawa, K., Ishikuma, T., Shimada, H., & Sakano, Y. (1994).  Development of Japanese irrational belief scale(JIBT-20). Human Science Research, 3, 43-58. Ono, J., Matsubara, T., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., & Ishikuma, T. (1994). Construct  validity of Japanese version of K-ABC. Tsukuba Rehabilitation Research, 3, 11-16.

Valasquez, R.J., Callahan, W.J., Evans, D., & Ishikuma, T. (1994). DSM-Ⅲ-R training in master’s-level counseling programs.  Psychological Reports, 74, 1331-1338.

Ishikuma, T. (1993). Support system for children with LD: school psychologists’ role.  Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1, 53-62.

Matsubara, T., & Ishikuma, T. (1993). School counseling for students studying abroad in a university. Japanese Journal of Counseling Science, 26, 146-155.

Onose, M., Ishikuma, T., & Fukuzawa, S.  (1993). A psychological study of a fairytale, “three little pigs” (2): a story preferred by kindergarten teachers.  Tsukuba Psychological Research, 15, 113-123.

Ohtomo, H., & Ishikuma, T. (1992). Consultation of a home-room teacher who has a child having difficulty in classroom activity. Bulletin of Tsukuba Psychological Clinic,  8, 29-36.

Kaufman, A. S., Ishikuma, T., & Kaufman-Packer, J. (1991). Amazingly short    forms of the WAIS-R.  Journal of Psycho educational Assessment, 9, 4-15.

Kaufman, A. S, McLean, J.E., Ishikuma, T.., & Moon, S. (1989). Integration of the  literature on the intelligence of Japanese children and analysis of the data from  a sequential and simultaneous model.  School Psychology International, 10,73-183.

Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T., Fujita, K., & Matsubara, T. (1988). Evaluation and intervention for children with disability according to their information process mode: Using Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC). Tsukuba Rehabilitation and Training Research, 1, 62-72.

Ishikuma, T., Moon, S., & Kaufman, A. S. (1988). Sequential-simultaneous   analysis of Japanese children’s performance on the Japanese McCarthy Scales.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 66, 355-362.

Moon, S., Ishikuma, T., & Kaufman, A. S. (1987). Joint factor analysis of the K-ABC and McCarthy Scales.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 65, 699-704.

Psychological Tests:

Ueno, K., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T., Dairoku, K., & Matsuda, O (2011) Japanese version of the Wechsler Scale for Children- Ⅳ Tokyo: Nihon Bunka Kagakusha.

Azuma, H., Ueno, K., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T., & Sano, H. (1998)   Japanese version of the Wechsler Scale for Children-Ⅲ Tokyo: Nihon Bunka Kagakusha.

Matsubara, T., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., & Ishikuma, T. (1993) Japanese version of Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children.  Tokyo: Maruzen Mates.