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野島一彦・繁桝算男(監修)石隈利紀(編) 2022 公認心理師の基礎と実践 18 教育・学校心理学 第2版 遠見書房

石隈利紀・家近早苗 (著) 2021 スクールカウンセリングのこれから 創元社

太田信夫(監修)石隈利紀・小野瀬雅人(編) 2021 教育・学校心理学 北大路書房

Ishikuma,T. supervised by Nojima, K., & Shigemasu, K. (2019) Basic and Practice of Certified Public Psychologist 18 Education and School Psychology. Tokyo: Tomishobo.


Ishikuma, T., Iechika, S., Mizuho, H. (2018) Effective Support of “Team-School”: Best Practice from School Psychology. Tokyo: Nakanishiya Shuppan.


Ishikuma, T., & Tamura, S. (2018) Introduction to Team Support by Using Ishikuma-Tamura Support Sheet; School Psychology Practices (New Edition). Tokyo: Toshobunka.


Ishikuma, T., & Tamura, S. (2017) Team Support with childrens Participation by Using Ishikuma-Tamura Support Sheet: consideration of informed consent. Tokyo: Toshobunka.


Ishikuma,T., Ono, S., Ono, M., Matsumoto, M., Higashihara, F., Fukuzawa, S. (2016) School Psychology Handbook : second edition : Aiming Enhancement of “Team-School”. Tokyo: Kyoiku Shuppan.


Ishikuma, T. Supervised. Psychological Education to Enhance the Life-Skills. : Practices in High Schools, Support Schools and Special Support Education Schools. Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.


Translated book: translated by Ishikuma. T. (2015). 6 Skills for Successful Team Work of Teachers. Tokyo: Seishin Shobo. (Original Book : Lee,P. 2008 Collaborative Practices for Educators: Strategies for Effective Communication. Minnetonka, MN: Peytral Publications, Inc.)


Wechsler, D., Ueno, K., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T., Dairoku, K., Matsuda,O. (2014). Japanese Edition / WISC-IV Practice Handbook. Tokyo: Nippon Bunka Kagakusha.


Translated Book: translated by Ishikuma, T., Fujita, K., Aoyama, S., Hattori, T., Kubayai, K., Ono, J. (2014) Essentials of KABC / key factors of psychological assessment. ( original book : ⅡKaufman, A. S., Lichtenberger, E. O., Fletcher-Janzen, E., Kaufman, N. L.) Tokyo: Maruzen Shuppan.

Ishikuma,T., Iechika, S., & Iida, J. (2014) Creation of School Education and Psycho-Educational Services.  Gakubunnsha.


Ishikuma,T., Matumoto,M., & Iida,J. (Eds.)2013  Japanese Translation of International Handbook of School Psychology Akashi Shoten.


Kaufman, A.S, Kaufman, N.L, Fujita, K. Ishikuma,T. Aoyama,S., Kumagai, K.,Ono,J., & Hattori,T.(Eds..)(2013) The Japanese KABC-II Manual. Maruzen.


Tsuge, M, &Ishikuma, T.(Eds.). (2013) Special Needs Education in Senior High Schools; 70 Questions and Answers for Parents and Teachers. Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.


Mizuno, H., Ishikuma, T., Tamura, S., Tamura, & S, Iida, J. (Eds.). (2013) Introduction to school psychology. Kyoto: Mineruva Shobo.


Ishikuma, T., & Mizuno, H.(Eds.). (2009) Effective Services in Schools: The Front of School Psychology. Kyoto: Nakanishiya Shuppan.


Ishikuma, T., & Setoguchi, Y.(Eds.). (2008) Monthly Calendar for Special Needs  Education: 12 Months Practices in Class, School, and Community. Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.


Ishikuma, T.  (2006) Psychology of Helping and Being Helped from Tora-san and Hama-chan: Six Lessons to Live Flexibly. Tokyo: Seishin Shobo.


Fujita, K, Ueno, K., Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T., & Dairoku, K. (Eds.). (2005) Case Studies with the WISC-Ⅲ:Theories and Practices. Tokyo: Nihon Bunka Kagakusha.


Ishikuma, T., Yamaguchi, T., & Tamura, S.(Eds.). (2005) Team Support Changes Relationship with Children: Case Studies Based on School Psychology. Tokyo: Honnomori Shuppan.


Fukuzawa, S, Ishikuma, T., & Onose, M., & Japanese School Psychology Association Eds.)(2004)  Handbook of school psychology.  Tokyo: Kyoiku Shuppan.


Ishikuma, T., Tamase, K., Ogata, A., & Nagamatsu, Y.(Eds.). (2004) School Psychologists: Theories and Practices; Psychological-Educational Services by School Psychologists. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo.


Ishikuma, T., & Tamura, S. (2003) Introduction to team support by using Ishikuma-Tamura Support Sheet; School Psychology Practices.  Tokyo: Toshobunka.


Kokubu, Y., Kokubu, H, Ishikuma, T., Asahi. T., & Soyama, K. (Eds.). (2003) Children with difficulties in learning. Tokyo: Toshobunka.


Ishikuma, T., & Ito, S. (2001) Rational Emotive Therapy with stuttering. Tokyo: Haga Shuppan.  (It was published again in 2005 under the title of ” Live Fexibly : Learning from Rational Emotive Therapy and Stuttering.) Toyo: Kaneko Shuppan.


Ishikuma, T. (1999) School Psychology: Psycho-Educational Services by a Team of Teachers, School Counselor, and Parents. Tokyo: Seishin Shobo.


Azuma, H., Ueno, K., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T. & Sano, H.(Eds.). (1998) Japanese WISC-Ⅲ Manual. Tokyo: Nihon Bunka Kagakusha.


Kokubu, Y., Ishikuma, T., Inoue, K., Ueji, Y., Kanazawa, Y., Kimura, S., Tagami, F. & Fukushima. O.(Eds.). (1997) Encyclopedia of School Counseling. Tokyo: Tokyo Shoseki.


Maekawa, H., Ishikuma, T., Fujita, K., Matsubara, T.(Eds.). (1995) K-ABC: Assessment and Teaching. Tokyo: Maruzen Mates.


Matsubara, T., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., & Ishikuma, T. (Eds.). (1993) Japanese K-ABC: Administration and Scoring Manual. Tokyo: Maruzen Mates.


Matsubara, T., Fujita, K., Maekawa, H., & Ishikuma, T.(Eds.). (1993) Japanese K-ABC:  Administration and scoring manual. Tokyo: Maruzen Mates.